silly bands

the silly bandz craze. heard of them? if u havent been near kids recently u might not even kno they exist but they r out their. made of silicone n in a wide veriety of styles, from shapes of animals, numbers, letters, n many others shapes. origanally created as rubber band ties made of shapes, kids now or days use thm as wrist bandz. soon being band, in most schools, b/c they r a distraction 2 students n a cause for disagreements. in 2007, a man, by the name of Rob Croak, took a trip 2 china wear he found a thin animal shaped wrist band tht sold in japan for years. he thought they might b a popular item n decided 2 create thm here in the us. only a little after they’re creation did he realize they would b a good collectors item. so when he came back from his trip he had his team make prototypes of the bands tht started 2 sell very well, ending up being sold in over 30,000 stores in 15 countries.  estimating tht the profit will be over 200 million$ or more this year. he is now producing many other trend items such as fraze bands, silly ring bands, n games in order 2 keep the silly brandz in stores as a way for kids, teens, mothers, or grandmothers 2 look 2 for a fun , in expensive way 2 have family fun.

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