
   r-06vh-rllk-1036.jpg skeleton keys were origonally made so they can bypass wards or protection on bigger locks. term “skeleton key” came about b/c the key itself is nothing but the barest a key can be with out lossing its functionality also named such b/c it they ward wuz made by an isosceles triangle n a cirle placed 1/3 from the top, resembaling a fashionized skull. now a days, we call “skeleton keys” master keys  b/c they can open locks of any make. they mostly used them in colonials times during the world war 2 for the pin tumbler locks. bought in hardwares stores, most were made from brass, tho sometimes pewtter wuz used. they also r used 4 cuffs or antique cabnetry or boxes so thte if the key is lost another can b used n there for ur items r not forever lost.

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